Cartagena - Colombia - Febrero 23th 2025

FAQ Boyfriends
11 Who decides which Manager would take the lead ?

The choice is yours. But the discussion is prior and private between you and Talent and Management.

12 I can leave my business relationship with you when I want to ?

Absolutely. Here we do not force anyone to stay, unfortunately there are some Rules, Policies and Procedures that you must comply with before unilaterally closing the relationship of our Representation.

13 What are those Norms, Policies and Procedures that I must follow ?

Some that previously Talent and Management it will make you see and sign. That is knowledge to discuss privately with Talent and Management.

14 I want to register in Talent and Management What happens to my data?

Your personal data, address, telephone number, email among others are not accessible to the general public when you register. "NO LESS" when you are our associate.

15 So how will they know me?

That is our job, you join us, we Manage your Talent

16 It is serious the offer of Talent and Management?

Undoubtedly! It is true, real, truthful, tangible, and effective.

17 I am obliged to accept all requests and proposals that come from Talent and Management?

No. Of course not, you decide which proposition to accept.

18 I receive as an associate a hiring guarantee from you ?

¡Unfortunately not! This agency cannot guarantee that to you. Since the places and clients have the last word… we hope to give and work with entities and clients who are serious and by word of mouth.

19 So who guarantees defaults?

All non-compliance, whether of clients or associates, enforces them and demands them Talent and Management

20 How can I contact you? ?

Through: Web, Cell, Tel, Email, and personally.

If you do not find an answer to a certain question please write it below and we will answer it via E-mail

6 ¿Cuáles son mis herramientas que Uds. necesitan de mí, si no soy modelo?

Los 10 Mandamientos de los Artistas de My Girlfriend Online. 1 *Tu estilo 2 *Tu actitud, 3 *Tu colaboración 4 *Tu entendimiento, 5. *Tu receptividad 6. *Tu lealtad 7, *Tu fidelidad, 8*Tu confidencialidad, 9*Tu aprecio, 10*Tu gratitud.

7 ¿Y cuáles son las herramientas de Uds. que compartirán conmigo?

Las explicadas en Nuestros Valores de nuestra página web, más estas: 1*Tu página web. 2 *Nuestra escuela. 3 *Nuestro marketing. 4 *Nuestras negociaciones.

8 ¿Y es que Uds. me harán una página web para mí solo?


9 ¿Estoy amarrado comercialmente con My Girlfriend Online cuando Uds. me representen?

No 100%. Una de nuestras libertades es compartir tu Talento con otros manejadores en ciertos puntos, como Comerciales y legales. Entendemos ese tema e inicialmente no lo impedimos ni lo negamos..

10 ¿Tengo ya un Representante Comercial… Uds. aceptarían ser parte individual de un pull de managers?

Claro que sí. Exigirte exclusividad comercial es una utopía inicialmente, estamos dispuestos a demostrar antes de exigir. En consecuencia, inicialmente es aceptado para nosotros compartir ciertas responsabilidades tuyas con otros manejadores.

Si usted no encuentra una respuesta a una determinada pregunta por favor escríbala a continuación y se la responderemos vía E-mail